Winter Fest
March 27 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 pm
Let’s kick off the new year together at Utepils for our largest fundraiser of the year. Tickets are $30/adult/$15 kids and include pizza from Davanni’s, a beverage, salad, dessert, and entertainment. Rod Gordon will play during the dinner hour and then we will turn it up with The Saddle Sores out in the main brewery area. Wear your dancing shoes! New merchandise and priceless items up for auction. Tickets go up to $35 at the door. Contact Patty Wycoff, events@bmna.org or 612.239.1710, to be a sponsor or to donate an auction item. BUY TICKETS HERE
Diamond Sponsors
Utepils Brewing Co
Platinum Sponsors
Further Performance
Mill City Dental
Gold Sponsors
Bryn Mawr Soap
SRF Consulting
Alex Boylan/Alexander Group
Northwestern Tire and Auto
Susan Stryker and Annie Child, Coldwell Banker Realty
EdgeWork Design Build
Davis and Davis Design Build
Studio 411
Harper’s Bryn Mawr
Silver Sponsors
Vickie Dungan Insurance
La Mesa
Katie Cashman for City Council
The Eloise
Bryn Mawr Market
Cuppa Java
Jan Search-Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Parent Coaching
Bryn Mawr Chiropractic
North End Hardware
Bryn Mawr Pizza and Deli
Big Hill Books
Henry and Son
CLEAR Holistic Therapies