Gardening in Bryn Mawr

Bryn Mawr has a strong gardening tradition. This includes ongoing, public beautification projects and the more private efforts that make Bryn Mawr one of the most lovely of neighborhoods to live in and visit.

We hope that whether you are new to the neighborhood or have been around for a bit and are interested in doing more, that you are able to create deeper relationships with not only your personal places of solitude, but with our community – because together, and through each other’s shared and diverse experiences, we can continue to grow a stronger, more compassionate, more grounded, Bryn Mawr.

So pick up a spade, pull a weed, tend a seedling – you’re in good company here!



Get involved

We are proud of our public spaces: from the numerous gardens that are maintained by the Bryn Mawr Garden Committee to the many, many beautiful gardens created by residents. Visit the Community Gardens page to see the gardens we maintain and where you can find them.

Learn more by visiting the Get Involved page, and stop by an upcoming Garden Committee meeting.




Bryn Mawr Garden Tour

The Bryn Mawr Garden Tour showcases private gardens owned and nurtured by passionate neighborhood gardeners. We expect to re-introduce the Garden Tour in 2025 as we build a new foundation of volunteers.

You can stay up-to-date on our event planning and latest news by visiting these pages or by attending a Garden Committee meeting. And please follow us on Facebook.

Related Links – Photo slideshow from past tours




Useful gardening links

Here are some gardening-related links you may find useful:

Plant sales: Bryn Mawr PTA Plant Sale / Hennepin County Master Gardeners Plant Sale / Friends School Plant Sale

Gardens open to the public: JD Rivers’ Children’s Garden / Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden / Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

General resources: Metro Blooms / U of M Extension Resources / Minneapolis Yard Waste / Minneapolis Wood Chips (Mulch) Program